Booking & Inquiry
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22. Okt.
28. Okt.

Data Protection

This Alphotel Privacy Policy describes how Alphotel Hirschegg Hotelbetriebsgesellschaft mbH, based in Schlössleweg 6, 6992 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal collects and processes data about you when you visit our website. With the continued use of this website, you declare that you are in agreement with the processing of your data in accordance with this policy.

We are also very concerned about the protection of your personal data, which is why we strictly adhere to the rules of data protection laws. Personal data is collected on this website only to the extent technically necessary. In no case will data collected be sold or passed on to third parties.

Below we give you a brief overview of what kind of data is collected for what purpose and how the hotel: Alphotel Hirschegg Hotelbetriebsgesellschaft mbH ensures the protection of these data.

You can contact our data protection coordinator at:

Alphotel Hirschegg Hotelbetriebsgesellschaft mbH
Attn.: Data
protection coordinator Schlössleweg 6
6992 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal
Phone: +43-5517-5449
Email: info@alphotel.at

We process your personal data with the support of data processors who assist us in the provision of our services (e.g. web hosts, e-mail newsletter mailing service).

  • GO.WEST Communications GmbH
  • Hetzner Online Ltd
  • xLab Software Engineering
  • Cloudflare, Inc
  • CleverReach
  • Cognitive
  • Google
  • hotjar
  • mp moving-pictures gmbh

These data processors are obliged to protect your personal data and are not permitted to use your personal data for any purpose other than for the provision of our services.

Your personal data is only forwarded to businesses or service providers e.g banks (if a transfer is made to you), accountants (if you enter our accounting) or mailing providers (in case of a mailing to you) etc.

Individual list:

The security of the data transmitted to us via the Internet cannot be guaranteed. However, there is a guarantee that transmitted data will only be used and processed for the purpose and in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

For the purposes of monitoring the technical function and to increase operational safety of the web server on the basis of the overriding legitimate interests of those responsible (technical security measures), this website processes the following personal data in a server log file (see Combined Log Format):

  • IP address
  • Time stamp
  • Content viewed
  • Referring page 
  • Browser identification

This data is only stored temporarily for 10 days. After this period, the data is automatically deleted.

Pursuant to § 4g BDSG, the Data Protection Officer must make available the information specified in § 4e BDSG in an appropriate manner upon request. We fulfil this obligation directly here and thereby waive your individual request. A transfer to third parties takes place only in the context of order data processing according to § 11 BDSG. The recipients of the data shall be obliged to do so and shall be subject to checks.

The main purpose of the collection, processing or use of personal data is the distribution of services of the hotel and catering industry as well as the production and distribution of merchandising products.
The secondary purposes of the collection, processing or use of personal data are personnel, supplier and customer management.
A further secondary purpose is the support/execution of the advertising for the "brand" Familotel as well as all partner hotels in the field of email advertising (upon consent) - competitions - print media as well as social platforms.

To fulfil the specified purpose, personal data are collected, processed and used
for the following groups of persons Customer data (address data, contract data)
Personal data for the management of employees and external data of business partners (address data, contract data) Data of suppliers (address data, contract data)

Public sector bodies receiving data pursuant to statutory provisions (e.g. social security institutions, public authorities)
Internal bodies involved in the execution of the respective business processes (human resources, accounting, accounting, marketing, sales, telecommunications and IT)
External bodies involved in the execution of business processes (partners of the business processes designated within the framework)
External contractors according to § 11 BDSG
Credit institutions and tax offices (salary payments, payment transactions) in the context of the identified business
processes) Insurance within the framework of operative pensions

Transmission of data to third countries is limited to transmission to partner hotels in Switzerland. Transmission is carried out only with the consent and by secure means. The equivalent level of data protection for recipients in Switzerland is imposed and controlled.

We hold the fact that you comply with the applicable legal provisions on the protection of personal data to be self-evident. To this end, you will find out in this privacy policy how your data is collected and protected and what possibilities you have to obtain information about the personal data stored by us. Personal data is information that can be used to determine your identity. This includes information such as name, address, postal address, telephone number etc. All information that cannot be directly associated with the actual identity of web users does not fall under this category. We ask the user of our website if necessary for company, name, first name and other diverse personal information if the user uses a personalised or interactive service. We only use this personal information in the event of inquiries within the company itself. The data will not be passed on to third parties, unless this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract. In any case, no data will be passed on until we have obtained your express consent. We appreciate the trust you place in us and take the utmost care to protect your personal information. But you have the right to know what data has been collected and you also have the possibility to have the data deleted.

There are a number of situations in which your personal information can help our booking engine to provide you with a better service. For example, you may be asked for personal information when you start a transaction. You will always be asked only to provide information that is relevant to your particular situation. Examples include name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address and preferred method of contact or credit card details. In addition, the booking engine collects information for market research purposes in order to get to know you better and thus provide you with a more effective service. Furthermore, the booking engine collects data on the customer activities on our website. On the basis of this data, the booking engine can determine which information is really useful for you and which areas of our websites and which Internet services are of most interest to you.

The information, data and content are constantly reviewed and updated. Despite all due diligence, the information has changed in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for correctness, completeness and topicality.

After you send your contact form, the personal data you have included here is processed by the data protection representative for the purposes of your enquiry based on your permission for this which you give by sending the form.

There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. By not providing your data you will, however, be unable to send your inquiry and we will be unable to process it.

You are entitled to revoke your permission at any time and can do so in writing and this will not affect the legitimacy of the processing which has occurred until the time of withdrawal on the basis of your permission.
The data is processed further in accordance with the original processing purpose and on the same legal basis until withdrawal is requested. In such a case the data is forwarded to a mailing service provider.

You may revoke your permission for the use of your personal data for direct advertising purposes at any time, please do so in writing. In the case of withdrawal of your permission, your personal data will no longer be used for direct advertising purposes.

By ticking the checkbox, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of information about offers and news by means of an e-mail newsletter by the data protection controller until revocation or objection.

There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. The only consequence of the non-consent is that you do not receive an e-mail newsletter.

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time by written notification or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail newsletter, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation.

You may also object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes in the same way. In the event of objection, your personal data will no longer be processed for the purpose of direct marketing in the form of an e-mail newsletter.

This website uses cookies. Cookies make websites more user-friendly and efficient. A cookie is a small text file which stores information. When you visit a website, the website may store a cookie on your computer. If the user visits this website again later on, the website is able to read the data of the cookie stored earlier and can e.g. establish whether the user has already visited the website and which areas of the website were of interest to him.
In the German Wikipedia version you can find more information on the topic of Cookies.

Changing cookie settings
Users can determine how their web browser uses cookies and which cookies are permitted or rejected in their web browser settings. The location of these settings depends on the browser. Detailed information on this can be viewed on the help function of your browser.

If the use of cookies is restricted this may also restrict your use of a website and the full use of all functions may no longer be possible.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LCC ("Google") on the basis of the overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website usage). For this purpose, we have an agreement for order data processing with Google.

When viewing our website, a connection is established with Google’s servers via a software and data is sent to Google’s servers which are partly in the USA. Google Analytics uses cookies to store information on the website user and for an analysis of the website user’s use of the website.

This website uses “IP anonymisation”. Hereby your IP address is first shortened and therefore anonymised by Google within the member states of the European Union or other contracting states of the European Economic Area Agreement. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA where it will be shortened.

According to details provided by Google, it uses the data collected to evaluate website use, compile reports on website activities and provide further services associated with website and internet use.

Google may forward this information to third parties in so far as this is legally required or if third parties are processing this data on behalf of Google.
Detailed information on the use of user data at Google Analytics can be found in the Google data protection policy and Google Analytics.

Deactivate Google Analytics

You can prevent the collection of your user data on our website by choosing “Do Not Track” in your browser settings. Our website then observes the “Do Not Track” signal which your web browser sends to all websites.

You can also prevent the collection of your user data by Google Analytics on all websites in general by installing the following link: Download and install available browser plug-ins.

Various pages of our website contain so-called embedding of videos on YouTube. These only allow you to connect to YouTube. YouTube is an offer from Google Inc. Please refer to YouTube's privacy policy (http://www.youtube.com/t/privacy) for the purpose and scope of Google's data collection and use, as well as your rights and setting options for protection as a YouTube customer.

Our website has buttons on some pages for sharing the content of the page on the social media platforms Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, XING and YouTube.

The buttons are ideally designed for the purpose of protecting the personal data of our website visitors, since the script (computer programme) behind the buttons does not collect or process any personal data. Website visitors who want to share our site are directed directly to the "share" pages of the respective social media platforms by clicking on the buttons. Only then will the scripts necessary for sharing the page contents be loaded. The terms and conditions of business and data protection agreed by the website visitor with the respective social media platforms then apply.

You can find detailed information about this directly from the respective providers:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter

This website uses Hotjar, a web analysis service of Hotjar Ltd. (“Hotjar”) on the legal basis of the overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). For this purpose, we have an agreement for order data processing with Hotjar.

When viewing our website, a connection is established with the Hotjar servers via a software and data transferred to Hotjar’s servers in the EU. Hotjar uses cookies to store information on the website user and for an analysis of the website user’s use of the website.

According to details provided by Hotjar, it uses the data collected to evaluate website use, compile reports on website activities and provide further services associated with website and internet use.

Detailed information on the use of user data at Hotjar available here Hotjar data protection policy.

Deactivating Hotjar
You can prevent your user data being collected by selecting “Do Not Track” in your browser settings. Hotjar observes the “Do Not Track” signal which your web browser then sends to all websites.

You can prevent your user data being collected by Hotjar on all websites by deactivating the software directly on the Hotjar website.

If you wish to receive the newsletter offered on the website, we need a valid e-mail address from you as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the specified e-mail address or whose owner agrees to receive the newsletter. No additional data will be collected.

You can revoke your consent to the storage of the data, the e-mail address as well as their use for sending the newsletter at any time.

For questions, please contact our Data Protection Officer at info@alphotel.at.

You are entitled to information on as well as the correction, deletion and limitation of the processing of your personal data.

In so far as the legal basis of the processing of your personal data exists with your permission or agreement made with you, you also have to right to data portability.

You are also entitled to revoke your permission for the processing of your data. This does not affect the legitimacy of the processing of your personal data which may have occurred up to this withdrawal.

You are entitled to withdraw your permission for the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct advertising. If you withdraw your permission your personal data will no longer be used for direct advertising purposes.

You also have the right to make a complaint to the regulating authority (Austrian Data Protection Authority, Wickenburggasse 8, 1080 Vienna, dsb@dsb.gv.at).

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